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If a jacked Chad says "I'm depressed," women will rush to comfort him.

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  3. If a jacked Chad says "I'm depressed," women will rush to comfort him.
Pepys Monster 2 hours ago#1
If a beta says "I'm depressed," women will insult him.
I'm a vegan.
giantblimpN7 2 hours ago#2
Smashingpmkns 2 hours ago#3
Jacked Chads don't get depressed. And that's why you'll always be a beta.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
uwnim 2 hours ago#4
Pretty sure this is false. Unless I am completely wrong, I'm definitely not a jacked Chad.
I want a pet Lavos Spawn.
[Order of the Cetaceans: Phocoena dioptrica]
Pepys Monster 2 hours ago#5
I'm a vegan.
CapnMuffin 2 hours ago#6
Because it’s in a woman’s nature to console and improve the mental health of the alpha males who are the backbone of the pack. They need their wits sharp in order to proactively lead. Not be distracted so they can focus on limitless mating and multiplying.
"its okay a lizard ate me and elucidated my fate" - MJ_Max on Dark Souls
3DSFC : 0860-3930-2170 | NNID : CapnMuffin | XBGT : Capn Muffin
Skye Reynolds 2 hours ago#7
If a Jackie Chan says "I'm depressed," men will rush to confront him.
LethalAffinity 2 hours ago#8
LethalAffinity 2 hours ago#9
CapnMuffin posted...
Because it’s in a woman’s nature to console and improve the mental health of the alpha males who are the backbone of the pack. They need their wits sharp in order to proactively lead. Not be distracted so they can focus on limitless mating and multiplying.

Sucks for the betas huh? Get strong or stop bitching basically.
LittleRoyal 2 hours ago#10
No such thing as chads and no smokers are attractive btw
I-I really needed this~~
Why does everyone think I like girls?
Wow, so you are an incel. Good to know.
Just curious
teepan95 2 hours ago#12
I use Gameraven and you should too.
Conflict  refugee love block me2 hours ago#13
Cringeworthy ass topic.
I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
SK8T3R215 2 hours ago#14
I just screamed loudly into my Hello Kitty pillow.
New York Knicks, New York Jets, New York Yankees.
Or you can just choose to ignore women and get you some money.
(message deleted)
MegaTech 1 hour ago#17
teepan95 posted...

lol damn it teepan
There's gloom and fear in my heart when a culture fades; I drip a tear for the art and I adulterate. - CoolbeansAvi
pkmnlord 1 hour ago#18
I can't not read the topic title as Jackie Chan.
kislev 1 hour ago#19
Pepys Monster posted...
If a CEmen says "I'm depressed," women will insult him.

Trump 2020 
There are more sheep than shepherds
If a Chad is depressed, he will no longer be a Chad.

Women can sense weakness, and as soon as they sense it in you, you're SOL.
"Wanting something doesn't make it a human right."
MrBobGray 1 hour ago#21
I’m not jacked at all but plenty of my female friends have tried comforting me today
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
  1. Boards
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  3. If a jacked Chad says "I'm depressed," women will rush to comfort him.

Is 5000 dollars a lot of money to you?

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  3. Is 5000 dollars a lot of money to you?
Verdekal 19 hours ago#1
Don't tease the octopus, kids!
Monkhood 19 hours ago#2
I won't have to live in this false, sinful, lying, dying body.
__aCEr__ 19 hours ago#3
Well that would be a bill that I would be pretty pissed to have to pay but no that's not "a lot" of money.
(message deleted)
FightingGames 19 hours ago#5
Two_Dee  likes me19 hours ago#6
Jiek_Fafn 19 hours ago#7
It's significant in that I'm not going to waste it, but it's also not enough for me to really do anything important with.
PSN: Jiek
NES4EVER 19 hours ago#8
As a bill it would be a hard pill to swallow but I could pay it fairly quickly. 

As winnings it would be nice but would not have a very big impact on my life.
nu-horsemen 4evar
[A GameFAQs Moderator was deleted by this message]
ArtVandelay 19 hours ago#9
Monkhood posted...
Vandelay Industries Importing & Exporting
REMercsChamp 19 hours ago#10

Even $100,000 doesn't feel like much
(edited 19 hours ago)reportquote
FFVII_REMAKE 19 hours ago#11
I thought all CEplebs made 6 figures.
yemmy 19 hours ago#12
yeah it is, i mean enough to where if someone gave it to me I'd ball out and buy some nice shit

but not enough to change my life
JustMyOpinion 19 hours ago#13
To lose, yes? To earn, no? To win, eh sorta.
Voted best user on CE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017
Current e-argument streak: 11215 wins. 0 losses.
Outer_space 19 hours ago#14
jmikla 19 hours ago#16
not as much as 5001 dollars
So say we all
Gamer99z 19 hours ago#17
It doesn't matter how much money you have, the answer to this should be yes. Even if you were rich, treating 5k like it's not a lot of money is how you end up crashing and burning.
"You need to lay off the peanut-butthurt and u-jelly sandwiches" - NeonOctopus
MutantJohn 19 hours ago#18
Definitely a good chunk of change
"Oh, my mother; oh, my friends, ask the angels, will I ever see heaven again?" - Laura Marling
FrancisAlaMode 19 hours ago#19
Keeping it real
Unknown5uspect 19 hours ago#20
JustMyOpinion posted...
To lose, yes? To earn, no? To win, eh sorta.

This seems about right.
Sativa_Rose 19 hours ago#21
I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
Maninstagnate 18 hours ago#22
Yes it is you can buy a lot of useful stuff with that.
PMarth2002 17 hours ago#23
I have a little over half that in my bank account, so yes its a lot of money.
And as her clothes all tumbled 'round her, I could hear my heart
The moonlight shown upon her as she lay back in my bed
Sami1000 17 hours ago#24
Jiek_Fafn posted...
It's significant in that I'm not going to waste it, but it's also not enough for me to really do anything important with.

Pretty much this.
Can't think any good sig
Kanaya413 17 hours ago#25
Monkhood posted...

FightingGames posted...

Two_Dee posted...
Official Secretary of Kyogre's Cascade!!! FC: 5086-1980-2580 IGN: Vivi TSV 4077
Silent Chexmix: "Toxapex is Trump's wall in pixel form."
Eevee-Trainer 17 hours ago#26
Kanaya413 posted...
Monkhood posted...

FightingGames posted...

Two_Dee posted...
See me on Discord! ^.^
Eevee's Mystery Dungeon:
Master_Bass 17 hours ago#27
It's a nice chunk of change. I wouldn't want to lose $5000 suddenly. It really isn't much in the grand scheme of things, though.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
apolloooo 17 hours ago#28
i can live in decent luxury with that much in a yaer
Thanks for the peeps that made the pics <3 if i make typos it means i am on phone
KazumaKiryu 17 hours ago#29
Peh, that's about what I buy of Bitcoin daily, total chump change
Just your bad luck... to run into me.
Rika_Furude 17 hours ago#30
Jiek_Fafn posted...
It's significant in that I'm not going to waste it, but it's also not enough for me to really do anything important with.

this, although i'd probably put it into buying new computer parts. some would consider that a waste tho
mew4ever 17 hours ago#31
As a college student, hell yeah.
New York Mets 2015 NL Champions. New York Jets: 5-11
St_Harley 17 hours ago#32
Hell yeah, that's a pretty nice amount.
Currently Playing: Donkey Kong 64 cuz my PS3 ripperooed and died
Iodine 8 hours ago#33
It would solve all of my immediate issues.
In Belichick we Trust
It wouldn't change my situation or make me feel more financially secure, but I would absolutely love to have an extra 5k handed to me. That's almost the yearly IRA contribution limit.
There's no business to be taxed.
(edited 8 hours ago)reportquote
Anisoptera 54 minutes ago#35
For $5000 you can spend 6 hours with an escort

MrBobGray 42 minutes ago#36
Yes, but money doesn’t mean a god damn thing to me today.
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
  1. Boards
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  3. Is 5000 dollars a lot of money to you?