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Dating a feminist usually goes something like this...

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  3. Dating a feminist usually goes something like this...
Howl 15 hours ago#1
"Sue please don't have sex with my best friend."

"You don't own me or my body I'm not gonna let some man oppress me or shame me for enjoying sex, I'll sleep with whoever I want to."
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
Muffinz0rz 15 hours ago#2
Not removing this until Pat Benatar is in Super Smash Bros. (Started 8/31/2010)
2018 NFLB Summersim (2-4):
Omega Hunter 15 hours ago#3
Lol i never date feminists. I can't think of a less attractive mindset.
Living is naturally hell, you have to work to put a smile on.
ASithLord7 15 hours ago#4
Not a single soul on this website believes you've dated anyone, feminist or otherwise.
Howl 15 hours ago#5
ASithLord7 posted...
Not a single soul on this website believes you've dated anyone, feminist or otherwise.

I'm married with 2 kids.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
chill02 15 hours ago#6
milkman take your meds
Ave, true to Caesar.
lordofmud 15 hours ago#7
Er, I married a feminist and she wouldn't want to sleep with anyone else. Ever. I mean, its been 25 years and not even a hint of wanting to stray. Maybe it's that she is young and just wants to have sex a lot and doesn't want a serious committed relationship.
I know, indeed, the evil of that I purpose; but my inclination gets the better of my judgment. - Euripides
ASithLord7 15 hours ago#8
lordofmud posted...
Er, I married a feminist and she wouldn't want to sleep with anyone else. Ever. I mean, its been 25 years and not even a hint of wanting to stray. Maybe it's that she is young and just wants to have sex a lot and doesn't want a serious committed relationship.

Maybe it's that TC is a nutjob obsessed with cuck memes and has no experience in the real world.

chill02 posted...
milkman take your meds

Is TC milkman? That'd make a lot of sense
(edited 15 hours ago)reportquote
Howl 15 hours ago#9
ASithLord7 posted...
Maybe it's that TC is a nutjob obsessed with cuck memes and has no experience in the real world.

Or maybe you're just projecting again.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
Soviet_Poland 15 hours ago#10
Muffinz0rz posted...

dameon_reaper 15 hours ago#11
Howl posted...
ASithLord7 posted...
Maybe it's that TC is a nutjob obsessed with cuck memes and has no experience in the real world.

Or maybe you're just projecting again.

aren't you creating some figment of your imagination though? Like...
The23rdMagus 11 hours ago#12
I haven't seen that much straw since Halloween.
~Drewnami: The Drew abides.~
Gonads are useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains. -Paul Harvey
silentwing26x 11 hours ago#13
The23rdMagus posted...
I haven't seen that much straw since Halloween.

ASithLord7 11 hours ago#14
silentwing26x posted...
The23rdMagus posted...
I haven't seen that much straw since Halloween.

Goats 11 hours ago#15
The insane ones usually don't date, so ime it's usually a pretty chill experience. But I'm capable of going five minutes without shitting myself or saying something racist so ymmv
The Original. The Number One. The Goat.
Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
Schwarber 11 hours ago#16
Get a new gimmick, there are too many conservatrolls here as it is.
nicklebro 11 hours ago#17
Lol TC is so butthurt that his wife is fucking other men that he resorted to his usual tactic of blaming liberals. Lmao he's gonna be even more upset when he finds out he's actually right to do that for once when he finds his wife in bed with some lefty hipster schmuck.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
Offworlder1 11 hours ago#18
Muffinz0rz posted...

I could not agree more.
"Always two there are, a master and an apprentice"
3DS FC: 1564 - 7512 - 1815
Dash_Harber 11 hours ago#19
With an interpretation like that, I'd probably guess that you've never even actually interacted with a woman, let alone a feminist.
jborgan 10 hours ago#20
Damn what a failure of a topic.
Frolex 10 hours ago#21
Howl 10 hours ago#22
nicklebro posted...
Lol TC is so butthurt that his wife is fucking other men that he resorted to his usual tactic of blaming liberals. Lmao he's gonna be even more upset when he finds out he's actually right to do that for once when he finds his wife in bed with some lefty hipster schmuck.

Lmfao. The narratives liberals create are quite entertaining sometimes to say the least.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
(edited 10 hours ago)reportquote
Cornmuffins 10 hours ago#23
Damn TC looking like a fool itt. I'm sure someone will take your side eventually.
Getting C's and D's, saying thanks and please.
You broke the golden rule, you're staying after school.
nicklebro 10 hours ago#24
Howl posted...

"You don't own me or my body I'm not gonna let some man oppress me or shame me for enjoying sex, I'll sleep with whoever I want to."

Howl posted...

Lmfao. The narratives liberals create are quite entertaining sometimes to say the least.

Lmao this is not going your way TC.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
Howl 10 hours ago#25
nicklebro posted...
Howl posted...

"You don't own me or my body I'm not gonna let some man oppress me or shame me for enjoying sex, I'll sleep with whoever I want to."

Howl posted...

Lmfao. The narratives liberals create are quite entertaining sometimes to say the least.

Lmao this is not going your way TC.

It's going exactly the way I want. Bunch of liberals trying desperately to deny reality. It's hilarious.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
jborgan 10 hours ago#26
Tell us another hilarious joke, you funny funny man.
The23rdMagus 10 hours ago#27
Howl posted...
nicklebro posted...
Howl posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Howl posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Lmao this is not going your way TC.

It's going exactly the way I want. Bunch of liberals trying desperately to deny reality. It's hilarious.

Ah, "reality".
~Drewnami: The Drew abides.~
Gonads are useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains. -Paul Harvey
Villain 10 hours ago#28
ASithLord7 posted...
Not a single soul on this website believes you've dated anyone, feminist or otherwise. 
Formerly known as Will VIIII
Tmaster148 10 hours ago#29
Pretty weird to assume everyone calling you out for your shitty topic is a liberal. You might actually enjoy life instead of being bitter if you stop playing identity politics.
Dash_Harber 10 hours ago#30
Howl posted...
It's going exactly the way I want. Bunch of liberals trying desperately to deny reality. It's hilarious.

What reality? That girls cheat on you?
nicklebro 10 hours ago#31
Howl posted...

It's going exactly the way I want. Bunch of liberals trying desperately to deny reality. It's hilarious.

Deny reality? Lmao were reveling in the reality where you're butthurt that youre incapable of satisfying your wife. It's hilarious! And you deserve it.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
Howl 10 hours ago#32
nicklebro posted...
Howl posted...

It's going exactly the way I want. Bunch of liberals trying desperately to deny reality. It's hilarious.

Deny reality? Lmao were reveling in the reality where you're butthurt that youre incapable of satisfying your wife. It's hilarious! And you deserve it.

I literally had sex with my wife earlier tonight. When was the last time you had sex? Before your meltdown on that sports board I'd assume.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
nicklebro 10 hours ago#33
I didn't say you don't have sex with your wife, I said you were incapable of satisfying her. Lol and you're really going to even mention the word meltdown when you're in the process of having one? See this is what an actual meltdown is, i dont have to go digging through 6 years of topics to find you have a mental breakdown lmao.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
The23rdMagus 10 hours ago#34
Funny that I don't have a compulsive need to bring others down. Wonder why that is...
~Drewnami: The Drew abides.~
Gonads are useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains. -Paul Harvey
Howl 10 hours ago#35
nicklebro posted...
I didn't say you don't have sex with your wife, I said you were incapable of satisfying her. Lol and you're really going to even mention the word meltdown when you're in the process of having one? See this is what an actual meltdown is, i dont have to go digging through 6 years of topics to find you have a mental breakdown lmao.

The fact that you are finally capable of admitting that you had one shows progress though. Good for you. Me on the other hand, I'm having a perfectly fun time laughing at you.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
nicklebro 10 hours ago#36
I didn't admit anything, I tried to teach you what an actual metldown is. Pretending to laugh at someone else when you have no reason to is a dead giveaway, what're you new?
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
creativerealms 10 hours ago#37
Nice stawwomen.
No sig.
Howl 10 hours ago#38
nicklebro posted...
I didn't admit anything, I tried to teach you what an actual metldown is. Pretending to laugh at someone else when you have no reason to is a dead giveaway, what're you new?

I've been around here a very long time. I made my first account in 2001. That's why I know about you and your infamous meltdown.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
Howl 10 hours ago#39
Oh here's the link to the old topic if anyone was curious btw. Classic.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
Flockaveli 10 hours ago#40
She still expects me to pay for everything.
Chicago, greatest city in the world!
nicklebro 10 hours ago#41
So you have no excuse for thinking that anyone would believe your fake laugh nonsense? Man... I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. But when you're as upset as you clearly are right now I guess it's hard to think rationally. I've already proved in other topics that I didn't have a meltdown like you are tonight, but just like the trolls in that topic I'm sure you'll just keep repeating yourself hoping that your words will magically become true. Then maybe your wife will stop blowing other dudes lmao.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
nicklebro 10 hours ago#42
Howl posted...
Oh here's the link to the old topic if anyone was curious btw. Classic.

Maybe you can show me the part where you think I'm melting down.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
Howl 9 hours ago#43
nicklebro posted...
Howl posted... 
Oh here's the link to the old topic if anyone was curious btw. Classic.

Maybe you can show me the part where you think I'm melting down.

Every post of yours in that topic tbh.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
(edited 9 hours ago)reportquote
nicklebro 9 hours ago#44
Lol looked and couldn't find one could you? Lmao I knew it. That's what happens every time I challenge people on it. Man that's embarrassing for you. You dig up a 5 year old topic which is pathetic enough already and now you're realizing that you got tricked by a bunch of trolls. You just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
Howl 9 hours ago#45
nicklebro posted...
Lol looked and couldn't find one could you? Lmao I knew it. That's what happens every time I challenge people on it. Man that's embarrassing for you. You dig up a 5 year old topic which is pathetic enough already and now you're realizing that you got tricked by a bunch of trolls. You just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper.

Tricked? Have you ever gone back and looked at your posts in that topic?
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
nicklebro 9 hours ago#46
Yeah, have you? Cuz I already challenged you to find just one post, let alone defend calling the entire topic a meltdown. The only reason people called it a meltdown was because someone posted a pic of some scrawny kid and claimed it was me cuz we had similar usernames. Thats it.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
Howl 9 hours ago#47
nicklebro posted...
Yeah, have you? Cuz I already challenged you to find just one post, let alone defend calling the entire topic a meltdown. The only reason people called it a meltdown was because someone posted a pic of some scrawny kid and claimed it was me cuz we had similar usernames. Thats it.

You posted a pic of yourself in that topic and it wasn't any better. "He came over my 10 year old put him in a coma" was my favorite part.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
(edited 9 hours ago)reportquote
Conflict  refugee love block me9 hours ago#48
ASithLord7 posted...
Is TC milkman? That'd make a lot of sense

I think Milkman posts some dumb shit but he's usually pretty reserved at least. TC has a massive meltdown in every topic he posts in and it's hilarious
I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
Howl 9 hours ago#49
Conflict posted...
ASithLord7 posted...
Is TC milkman? That'd make a lot of sense

I think Milkman posts some dumb shit but he's usually pretty reserved at least. TC has a massive meltdown in every topic he posts in and it's hilarious

Laughing at your nonsense isn't having a "massive meltdown."
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
nicklebro 9 hours ago#50
Oh please, the pic of me is def sexy and everyone knows it. But thank you for conceding the fact that you cant find a single post that could be considered melting down. I accept your apology.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
  1. Boards
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  3. Dating a feminist usually goes something like this...
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    2. Current Events
    3. Dating a feminist usually goes something like this...
    nicklebro 9 hours ago#51
    Conflict posted...
    ASithLord7 posted...
    Is TC milkman? That'd make a lot of sense

    I think Milkman posts some dumb shit but he's usually pretty reserved at least. TC has a massive meltdown in every topic he posts in and it's hilarious

    Lol, damn I had just calmed TC down and now you're gonna make him metldown all over again.
    Now you can't call me a sigless user.
    Conflict  refugee love block me9 hours ago#52
    Howl posted...
    Conflict posted...
    ASithLord7 posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    I think Milkman posts some dumb shit but he's usually pretty reserved at least. TC has a massive meltdown in every topic he posts in and it's hilarious

    Laughing at your nonsense isn't having a "massive meltdown."


    That's why everyone in this topic is mocking you, right
    I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
    (edited 9 hours ago)reportquote
    nicklebro 9 hours ago#53
    Conflict nooooooo. Why you gotta do dat boy like dat?
    Now you can't call me a sigless user.
    Howl 9 hours ago#54
    nicklebro posted...
    Conflict nooooooo. Why you gotta do dat boy like dat?

    What bro you wanna go???? Here's my address I'm a big internet tough guy like you!!!!
    Posted with GameRaven 3.3
    nicklebro 9 hours ago#55
    Oh did I say that I was a big internet tough guy? Or did I even claim to be a good fighter? Lol I'd love to see you find that post! Make sure to wipe the tears outta your eyes first so you can actually read this time.
    Now you can't call me a sigless user.
    AlphaBoy 9 hours ago#56
    Howl posted...
    "Sue please don't have sex with my best friend."

    "You don't own me or my body I'm not gonna let some man oppress me or shame me for enjoying sex, I'll sleep with whoever I want to."

    this is some politician bullshit-tier , she basically was being delusional about her hoe personality
    Howl 9 hours ago#57
    nicklebro posted...
    Oh did I say that I was a big internet tough guy? Or did I even claim to be a good fighter? Lol I'd love to see you find that post! Make sure to wipe the tears outta your eyes first so you can actually read this time.

    You spent the entire topic acting like you wanted to fight someone and called everyone wussies for calling you dumb for wanting to fight people. Then in another topic just now you talk about how you're trying to emulate Joe Rogan who has said countless times that fighting is incredibly stupid and that people who seek fights are dumb.
    Posted with GameRaven 3.3
    (edited 9 hours ago)reportquote
    nicklebro 9 hours ago#58
    Howl posted...
    nicklebro posted...
    Oh did I say that I was a big internet tough guy? Or did I even claim to be a good fighter? Lol I'd love to see you find that post! Make sure to wipe the tears outta your eyes first so you can actually read this time.

    You spent the entire topic acting like yoi wanted to fight someone and called everyone wussies for calling you dumb for wanting to fight people. Then in another topic just now you talk about how you're trying to emulate Joe Rogan who has said countless times that fighting is incredibly stupid and that people who seek fights are dumb.

    Show me the post that suggests I was looking for a fight or that I seek out fights. Lol I mean do something with the 5 year old topic you dug up other than make yourself look stupid.
    Now you can't call me a sigless user.
    Howl 9 hours ago#59
    nicklebro posted...
    Howl posted...
    nicklebro posted... 
     show hidden quote(s)

    You spent the entire topic acting like yoi wanted to fight someone and called everyone wussies for calling you dumb for wanting to fight people. Then in another topic just now you talk about how you're trying to emulate Joe Rogan who has said countless times that fighting is incredibly stupid and that people who seek fights are dumb.

    Show me the post that suggests I was looking for a fight or that I seek out fights. Lol I mean do something with the 5 year old topic you dug up other than make yourself look stupid.

    nicklebro posted...

    Ilimano St. Kailua/ HI 96734.

    I don't mind doing that cuz I know neither you nor your brother are going to do anything. All talk, no walk.
    Posted with GameRaven 3.3
    Howl 9 hours ago#60
    Annnnnd he's gone.
    Posted with GameRaven 3.3
    nicklebro 9 hours ago#61
    I listed my street to someone who doesn't even live in my state... Lol you're seriously going to try and act as if that's me looking for a fight? You should just made another troll post man, now everyone can tell you're full of shit. Lol don't forget to find the post where I say I'm a big tough guy who's good at fighting! Here lemme help you.

    I'll even admit that I'm not even that good a fighter, I'm probably .500 lifetime.

    Man, look at me bragging up a storm!

    Lol now look back at this topic, and notice the difference between a fake meltdown and you having an actual meltdown.
    Now you can't call me a sigless user.
    Howl 9 hours ago#62
    nicklebro posted...
    I listed my street to someone who doesn't even live in my state... Lol you're seriously going to try and act as if that's me looking for a fight? You should just made another troll post man, now everyone can tell you're full of shit. Lol don't forget to find the post where I say I'm a big tough guy who's good at fighting! Here lemme help you.

    I'll even admit that I'm not even that good a fighter, I'm probably .500 lifetime.

    Man, look at me bragging up a storm!

    Lol now look back at this topic, and notice the difference between a fake meltdown and you having an actual meltdown.

    You literally were telling people to come to your house to fight you. How is that not looking for a fight again?
    Posted with GameRaven 3.3
    nicklebro 9 hours ago#63
    Howl posted...

    You literally were telling people to come to your house to fight you. How is that not looking for a fight again?

    I didn't tell anyone to come to my house... Can you even read? A guy dared me to post my address, I posted my street and said I didn't mind doing that because I knew no one would be coming to fight me lol. Lmao do you honestly think you're fooling anyone? 

    So c'mon now man, if you're gonna dig up a 5 year old topic, you better do a better job than this, you're making yourself look silly while proving everything I've said to be right. It's almost as of I've done this before any know every single thing you could possibly say...

    But keep digging through that 5 year old topic, desperately searching for anything that might distract people from the absolute abortion of a topic that you're melting down in right now LOL
    Now you can't call me a sigless user.
    (edited 9 hours ago)reportquote
    Howl 8 hours ago#64
    nicklebro posted...
    Howl posted...

    You literally were telling people to come to your house to fight you. How is that not looking for a fight again?

    I didn't tell anyone to come to my house... Can you even read? A guy dared me to post my address, I posted my street and said I didn't mind doing that because I knew no one would be coming to fight me lol. Lmao do you honestly think you're fooling anyone? 

    So c'mon now man, if you're gonna dig up a 5 year old topic, you better do a better job than this, you're making yourself look silly while proving everything I've said to be right. It's almost as of I've done this before any know every single thing you could possibly say...

    But keep digging through that 5 year old topic, desperately searching for anything that might distract people from the absolute abortion of a topic that you're melting down in right now LOL

    I don't need to keep digging. You threatening to fight people then posting your address taunting people is literally looking for a fight. You can claim that you didn't think he would show up all you want but you didn't know that. You melted down hard in that topic then noped the fuck out when everyone started laughing at you.
    Posted with GameRaven 3.3
    nicklebro 8 hours ago#65
    I didn't post my address. I posted my street. And I never threatened to fight anyone. Lol you've finally realized that you don't have a single legitimate argument and now you're gonna just keep pretending I said things I never said. Or claim that I left after someone posted a pic of some kid and claimed it was me. Lol you're stuck posting pure bullshit cuz you dug yourself into a hole you can't get out of. Exactly like I said you would. 

    Just FYI, whether you admit you're wrong or not is irrelevant, you're objectively incorrect and everyone knows it. You're not fooling anyone, not even yourself. But I know you'll keep repeating this nonsense over and over, cuz that's what people who are melting down always do 😂

    Lol topic didn't turn out the way you wanted did it?
    Now you can't call me a sigless user.
    epic joke. for the win
    Howl 8 hours ago#67
    nicklebro posted...
    I didn't post my address. I posted my street. And I never threatened to fight anyone. Lol you've finally realized that you don't have a single legitimate argument and now you're gonna just keep pretending I said things I never said. Or claim that I left after someone posted a pic of some kid and claimed it was me. Lol you're stuck posting pure bullshit cuz you dug yourself into a hole you can't get out of. Exactly like I said you would. 

    Just FYI, whether you admit you're wrong or not is irrelevant, you're objectively incorrect and everyone knows it. You're not fooling anyone, not even yourself. But I know you'll keep repeating this nonsense over and over, cuz that's what people who are melting down always do 😂

    Lol topic didn't turn out the way you wanted did it?

    Lol you're literally delusional. You can try and rewrite history all you want but the proof is clear as day for anyone to look at.
    Posted with GameRaven 3.3
    nicklebro 8 hours ago#68
    Howl posted...
    nicklebro posted...
    Conflict nooooooo. Why you gotta do dat boy like dat?

    What bro you wanna go???? Here's my address I'm a big internet tough guy like you!!!!

    Look you're legitimately challenging me to fight! I'm too desperate to acknowledge you weren't being serious so I'm gonna just keep acting like this was real! Lmao

    But yeah, you're right, it is. And people will see that someone dared me to post my address so I posted my street and said the reason I had no issue... Bah I'm over repeating myself. Especially for someone currently having a complete breakdown. But this is actually getting a little sad at this point so I'll let you have the last word, obviously you're not mature enough to quit digging the hole you've put yourself in so I'll be the bigger man and walk away, lol though it is hard to take my eyes off of the train wreck you just put yourself through. But out of sympathy for your family I'll stop torturing you. 

    Do better next time.
    Now you can't call me a sigless user.
    (edited 8 hours ago)reportquote
    Howl 8 hours ago#69
    nicklebro posted...
    Howl posted... 
    nicklebro posted... 
     show hidden quote(s)

    What bro you wanna go???? Here's my address I'm a big internet tough guy like you!!!!

    Look you're legitimately challenging me to fight! I'm too desperate to acknowledge you weren't being serious so I'm gonna just keep acting like this was real! Lmao 

    But yeah, you're right, it is. And people will see that someone dared me to post my address so I posted my street and said the reason I had no issue... Bah I'm over repeating myself. Especially for someone currently having a complete breakdown. But this is actually getting a little sad at this point so I'll let you have the last word, obviously you're not mature enough to quit digging the hole you've put yourself in so I'll be the bigger man and walk away, lol though it is hard to take my eyes off of the train wreck you just put yourself through. But out of sympathy for your family I'll stop torturing you. 

    Do better next time.

    Ok bro. Have a great night and calm down. I know you get excited when people destroy you in internet disagreements and you want to punch people, but if you just calm down and relax everything will be ok in a few days for you.
    Posted with GameRaven 3.3
    (edited 8 hours ago)reportquote
    Conflict  refugee love block me8 hours ago#70
    "Have a great night and calm down" - the guy who's been melting down in two different topics for three hours straight

    And this dude's got two kids. Oof
    I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
    Howl 8 hours ago#71
    Conflict posted...
    "Have a great night and calm down" - the guy who's been melting down in two different topics for three hours straight

    And this dude's got two kids. Oof

    It's 2AM on my day off and I work nights. My kids are asleep. Destroying you too has been a pleasure though.
    Posted with GameRaven 3.3
    Conflict  refugee love block me8 hours ago#72
    Yeah you "destroyed me" real hard by completely going silent on a legit argument and melting down over my moderations for a good hour. I just hope your lack of self-awareness isn't genetic
    I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
    AlphaBoy 8 hours ago#73
    Howl posted...
    Annnnnd he's gone.

    you do realize that people don't spend all their time on internet forum? Especially not only in your topic? lol
    Dash_Harber 5 hours ago#74
    Holy howling meltdowns, Batman!
    1. Boards
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    3. Dating a feminist usually goes something like this...